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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Ridiculousness in Alphabetic Form

We had our grandsons for the past week, so, needless to say, random things were frequently spoken in Dr. Seuss language or at least they were going through my head all week. “This is so good, so good, you see.” For fun, I decided, that in between cooking and picking up and playing with the little ones (and my regular job), I would do some word-play. Some of you may not opt to read them – maybe they’ll drive you a little nuts – like Dr. Seuss might! – but some of you may enjoy them and may even try doing it yourselves for some brainwork or for fun. I decided an alphabetic line-up was a must.

I wrote the above paragraph the week we had the boys. Lol, “homework” with grandchildren here!? I didn’t have time for such silliness – I only got to “e”. However, I decided to run with it anyway for different week. While it did take me a few hours to complete, I actually had a lot of fun with it. Most of them came with very little effort. Some are surprisingly funny or brainy (who knew I had it in me?), many still make me think deeply as I reread them, and there’s at least one that stretches the logic a little (it’s hard to write without our wee friends, “the, with, it, is”, etc., and to find just the right verb to bypass these wee friends). There were a few I had to give in and google. There are definitions at the end for some of the more potentially unknown words of o, x, y, & z. Feel free to create some of your own and put them in the “comments”. Working our brains this week people! Here goes:

Alarming allotments, absolutely assaulted alleviated allegories already aligned.

Bold, brassy belief belies beautiful belligerent bravery.

Carefully climbing cacti correlates characteristic, colorful cuttings.

Delightful, dancing ding-a-lings dodge distressingly dark digits, droning dismally downward.

Elderly eagles entwine, eating effervescent, enigmatic edibles.

[I forgot I wrote an “e” when the boys were here, so you get 2! It can be done!!]

Energetic efforts evenly extract excitement.

Ferociously fanciful fairy figures float, furiously flailing for freedom from fear.

Gratifyingly gracious gentleness genuflects growing greatness.

Hilarious hysterics hastens harvested half-hatched haiku.

Indigenous idiotic idiosyncrasies initiate irate information.

Joyously, juicy jaunt joined jovial juggling justifications.

Kaleidoscope, kingpin, kitten kisses kneaded kindly kept karma.

Lingering, lilting laughter lightly lounges lazily, lonely lanes.

Minuscule, muscular mice munch moldy, malevolent muenster.

Natty, narrating narcissist naturally, nimbly navigates nearly new, nervy,

nimble notions.

Outrageously, opulent orchids orchestra ordinary oleander oliolege.* (see definitions)

Petrified, panicked, politicians precariously pretend precocious platform.

Quirky, qualified quacks quarantine quizzically quarreling quadruplets.

Ridiculously radical, rejuvenated recipient rapturously reconciles rainbow

radiance repeatedly.

Spectacular, superlative, spiritual sanctuary surprises solitary, sinful soul.

Thrilling, trailblazing trip transcends teeming, tenable, timelessness,

tallying tranquil tolerance, touching togetherness – to tall tales.

Ultimate, utmost, umbrage unifies undeniably useless utility under ultra,

undying unawareness.

Vital, visual vocabulary versus various virtual vagrancies.

Whispering winds wallow with wintry, wispy, wavy wafts.

X – really, you expect “x”? Okay I’ll ask Sir Google…amazingly there are

lots of words beginning with “x”. Few that we’d use outside a college class though.(remember the more unknown word definitions are below.) Here it is:

Xanthoriatic, xany, xaroncharoo xenaciously xaern, xboba.

You yearly yearn yellow yarn – yarely. Yikes. (Apparently, “x” was too hard on my brain, so it did an easy “y”.)

Zesty zeal, zany zingers zapping zippy zone zephyrs – zizz…

Just for fun: Zippy zaftig zings zarf.

Well, there you have it. Ridiculousness alphabetically. I hope you all try at least one. I’m ready to turn off my brain now. I think I’ll go for a walk.


*Oliolege – In pollination vernacular, an oliolege is a specialized pollinator (insects,

especially bees) that reveal a fixated preference for a specific kind of flowering plants.]

Xanthoriatic - (adj) not that smart in one area, but good at everything else (Jack of all trades)

Xany - (adj) wild; overly energetic

Xaroncharoo - (adj) brilliant, evil, and insane

Xenacious - (adj) yearning for change

Xaern - (v) to enjoy something so much you begin to hate how much you enjoy it

Xboba - (adj) tracing back and meaning from ancient times

Yarely (yâr, yär) (adj) –1. Agile; lively. 2. Responding easily; maneuverable. 3. Used of a vessel. 4. Ready; prepared.

May be of interest to some: the name Yarely is of Spanish origin and

means "Gift of god". According to a user from Kentucky, U.S., the

name Yarely is of English origin and means "Gift to god". According to

auser from Arizona, U.S., the name Yarely is of Aztec (Nahuatl) origin

and means "Light of god".

Zephyr - (n) a slight, usually refreshing wind.

Zizz - (n) a whizzing or buzzing sound.

Zaftig - (adj) having a full, rounded figure; plump.

Zing - (n) the activeness of an energetic personality.

Zarf - (n) an ornamental metal cup-shaped holder for coffee.

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May 01, 2021

I'll just appreciate yours!!


Apr 16, 2021

Fantastic. Now I am going to be thinking all day for a response. :/ Lol

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