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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Who Said You Can’t Be You?

Have you ever taken a personality test? Were you surprised by the outcome? I took one once that also had a section that revealed whether you were task-oriented or people-oriented. I scored evenly for both. The facilitator’s response was, “You can’t do that. You must have done something wrong.” (Why do we jump to such judgmental, often erroneous conclusions?) Fortunately for me, another gal in the 20+ group said, “So did I.” That stopped the facilitator in her tracks. It made a lot of sense to me. My being a writer means that I must be task oriented to get things done, to keep focused on the stage at hand, as well as to look at the big picture. At the same time, introvert that I am, I need to be able to talk to people, communicate with people, even like people. Which I do. (These traits also help in my present job as an Administrative Assistant.)


The other part of the test, the personality part, informed you of which of four animal personalities you were most like. Lion (take charge, assertive, fast-paced, competitive, confidently goal-driven), beaver (organized, precise, detailed, great at follow-through, loves to check things off lists, great at seeing problems and solving them), otter (fun-loving, enthusiastic, playful, creative, encour­aging) and the golden retriever (considerate, good-natured, strong team player, seeks peace and harmony with others). Not surprisingly (did anyone try to guess what I was?) I was……..  Okay, I’m waiting for the next paragraph in case anyone wants to try and guess what I scored highest as… That’s lion, beaver, otter, or golden retriever…  Did you try and guess what you are…? (share if you want!)


Next paragraph. Okay, here goes: I scored highest in not one but two animal characteristics (I think the facilitator gave up on me at this point, lol): the beaver and the otter. Again, it didn’t surprise me (still doesn’t, although over time I've acquired a little lion attitude :-). I’m usually busy doing something (the task oriented/beaver me), but chances are I’m going to have fun doing it (the people oriented/otter me) if at all possible. Although I was not surprised by the outcome, it was fun going through the process, and it is always good to get more depth of self-knowledge.


So, what’s this blog about? I have no idea. Except maybe to encourage my readers to consider all their facets, because we do have different facets to ourselves – maybe we have parts of all four animals! – and we need to keep ourselves open to who we are and to respect who we are. It doesn’t matter what others think or say of us. We are who we are, we know what we know, and we are all still growing and learning. So, put a sock in it (our mouths) when we are thinking about making a judgment – serious or kidding – and just let’s be who we are. Assertive and confident, good-natured and peaceful, an organized solver, playful and enthusiastic – but be kind, be loving, be respectful, and also, be glad you are who you are and live up to it. We are all one of a kind. And isn’t that worth living up to? The new year is about to jump on us; sounds like an excellent goal to me!

If you want to take the test or just read the characteristics google: 4 Animals Personality Test by John Trent (March 11, 2020)

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