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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Brain Straining Stress

Changes, changes, changes…ahhhhh!!!!!! How much can a brain take? Can we continue to be a blessing when the world is stressing us out?

I recently took a new job I did not expect to come along. I was not sure I wanted a job at this point in my life when my writing is paramount to me, but it was what I know, and I am good at. I was a perfect fit because the prior employee left unexpectedly, so there was no training available. The only problematic issue was in trying to find where things were filed in a rather complex – sometimes haphazard – filing system. I had just finished a major writing project when the need arose, so it was perfect timing (a God thing); I knew I had to help them out and take the job.

After the first three weeks, I was feeling pretty good with myself. I had gotten all the weekly templates found, adjusted, and/or created new, and I knew I could start thinking beyond to other important tasks – and then a new boss came in. This meant that my newly created templates would have to be adjusted to his preferences. This is part of the position: being able to adjust to changes as well as changing documents, etc.

The second week of working with the new boss was a little tough. Although he was easy to work with, I was feeling a little stressed because it felt like I was stepping backward with all the changes to what I had already established – even though I knew I wasn’t. Instead of having time to sort out things besides the all-important weekly tasks, I was spending most of my time adjusting what I had already done. (This happened two more times – the place is in a transition period, so it is normal to have different bosses switching in and out – and they are on the verge of yet another, hopefully more permanent, change.)

Have you ever seen a compost pile? Food scraps piled upon food scraps piled upon more food scraps, which is becoming rotting food underneath– It was starting to feel a little like that. The hours were longer than anticipated, so I did not have nearly the time or energy I needed for my writing projects, cleaning, etc. at home – the compost pile was building.

But I kept reminding myself of one of my favorite “get me through” quotes: THIS TOO SHALL PASS. And, sure enough, about five months in, we hit a slower season, so I had more time to locate and really get into the many other tasks that needed preparing or updating. I have even been able to drop a few hours, so I have more time for my writing projects. (Oh, happy days!)

(I thought this was going to be a “laughing” kind of blog like my Dropping Data Here And There blog, but at this point I’m just laughing at myself for my massive gift of “round-about-tation”.)

It is great to have the perfect job drop in your lap even when it comes with trials or at a time when we are not looking for it, but the real point of today’s blog is about not letting the tough parts of the process get to us. Some things will run smoothly in our lives and some not so much. Some changes will be hard to take and others a breeze. Some people will be easy to get along with and some not so much. We never have complete control over anything, so let’s take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and keep smiling inside – and outside. Let’s keep being a blessing and let life run its course. Joy is a much better way to live.

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