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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Moving Body Parts

When you get older, there are days when it is actually hard to get up from your seat. Like, actually. Actually standing up is difficult.

And then there are days when it is really hard to get up from your seat…like, really hard. Did I say that already? I could have, because there are a lot of times when you forget what you just said or did or someone else just said or did right in front of you. And you enter a debate with your spouse or sibling or friend about what you just said or did or didn’t just say or do a moment ago. Like, really.

And sometimes you fall down. In the garden, getting up from said seat (that is so difficult to get up from), on ice, in a public building – fully embarrassing yourself… But you remind yourself quickly that at least you can still get around. Assuming you didn’t just break your leg or hip or…

Then there are other problems that I won’t speak about except to say that Jack Nicholson said it in “The Bucket List”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch the movie; it’s worth watching. (I will give you a clue: farting is involved.)

And as we age, the getting around often includes getting round. As in weight gain becomes a really easy task. Like, really. All those treats you used to be able to eat – right to the belly. Really.

Which comes to the question of exercise. Do you? Or don’t you? You don’t have to tell if you don’t want to. Some of us can and some of us can’t due to those aging issues. Oh, the days I could run like the wind…or just plain run…or skip…or walk fast…or walk around the house…

Don’t take life for granted, you young, healthy people out there – take care of your bodies and enjoy your abilities while you have them. The body only holds out for so long. Let’s keep it as healthy as we can as long as we possibly can. (Okay, so my husband just went to get DQ ice cream while I finish this blog. Well, I did say we should enjoy life and have some treats in moderation, didn’t I? Or did I...?)

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