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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Paths of Life

One day, when I was thinking about my books’ characters (I have written a number of books that I’m preparing to publish), I suddenly saw my life as if looking through a long tunnel of light. Life was carrying on around it, people, activity, but the tunnel was my focus. Fortunately, the tunnel continued to spread so it was more of a cone shape, and I could see more and do more. What I saw was smooth and even, but at some spots there were wide, curving bulges and then it went straight again for a bit. The bulges seemed to signify the times when a trial was gotten through and a lesson hit big which allowed me to see more clearly, and these moments were so huge I stayed there for a while. I think the tunnel aspect was that earlier in life we tend to be more “me” focused and as I aged, my perspective was broadened and that is when the cone shape opened up. It’s possible the straight times were when regular life just kept moving forward with just the basic bumps that we all have.


The journey of life teaching and revealing to me. It is funny how thoughts or “visions” sometimes come to me like this and try to spell out their meaning to me. As if I have no option but to listen to the voice within me showing me who I am or where I am going. Of course, I am a bit philosophical, so I like mulling over these sorts of things. But this one felt very much like I have been waking up my whole life. That the day I was born was just day one of one revelation after another. Never give up. Keep moving forward. The hard times pass and move on to spectacular or “regular,” comforting times. Life is bumpy at times, but joy IS on the other side and even through it if we seek it.


[Definition break: Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.  It is distinguished from other ways of addressing fundamental questions (such as mysticism, myth, or religion) by being critical and generally systematic and by its reliance on rational argument. It involves logical analysis of language and clarification of the meaning of words and concepts. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek philosophia (φιλοσοφία), which literally means "love of wisdom".] Wikipedia


P.S. The tunnel focus could also have been when I was focused on what I needed to do or what goals I wanted to accomplish. And that’s not a bad thing as long as we remember what’s really important: people.

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