How many of us are still reaching for the true meaning behind Christmas? Is it faith based or gathering with family and friends? Is it all about the parties, or is it just another holiday? Presents, candy, sleighbell rides, singing carols– For some people it is their favorite time of the year. It causes us to give to others, to put ourselves aside, to think deeper on life and its meaning. It also, or should also, cause us to stop working and rest in it. Stop going, going, going. But for some of us it causes more work and stress and weight gain – which causes more stress.
How do we enjoy it if all we are doing is cleaning, decorating, shopping, wrapping, and cooking? Well, first off – stop and relax once in a while. Take a cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate and just sit and think happy thoughts. Soak in the love and joy it can bring. Or take an afternoon and go to your favorite Christmas activity. Maybe some of the cookies or fudge or Grandma’s baked beans won’t get made – so what? Why do we do all this work anyway? Somewhat to bless others, somewhat for ourselves. We enjoy the colors and lights, but also we love our people and want everything to be perfect. But if we are worn out from all the preparations, we won’t enjoy the ultimate goal: celebrating with our loved ones, and for those of faith, celebrating the gift of our Savior.
No matter what you love best about Christmas, don’t wear yourself down. Jesus is all about Love and serving, but even He knew when to rest.
