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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Surrounded By Chaos

Chaos! Superheroes and villains, revving car motors, the clink of swords (um, okay, plastic thunks), mayhem and shouts, laughter and giggles… Meanwhile, I am attempting to write notes for this blog… It is amazing what you can shut out when you have to. Sometimes.


But I trudge on, repeatedly refocusing on my scribbling task in between saying, “Put that down!” “Stop hurting your brother!” “No throwing in the house!” “Don’t play on the stairs!” and “Inside voices!” (which I yell with my outside voice in order to be heard). Believe it or not, it is all a joyful chaos, which I gratefully enjoy as we never know how long we’ll be able to do things like watch our grandchildren for an overnight or a weekend or longer.


And here it is. Can you do it? Calm inside, chaos around you… At least, the grandsons are a good chaos that helps prepare me for other less comfortable chaos… I hope.


Let the chaos teach you, but don’t let it take over. Live in the moment, enjoy the best parts of it, and feel free to be a little prepared for it, too. (Did I buy enough food for those boys?!)

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