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Colleen Briske Ferguson

The Lion Inside

(Following up on last week’s Surrounded By Chaos blog.) What is chaos? Is it noise, commotion, confusion, disorder, turmoil, or out and out mayhem, bedlam, or pandemonium? [Definition break: pandemonium – 1. wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos. 2. a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos. 3. the abode of all the demons. 4. hell.]


Sometimes chaos can feel like hell. The times when things seem wild and uncontrollable. How do we keep calm when “all hell is breaking loose”? I don’t think we have a choice. We must. If we don’t, we could make some big blunders, or say things we can’t take back, or go to a deep, dark place in ourselves. A place that may hold us for some time.


Anyone with great (or better yet, simple) faith knows that these are the times we can build on that faith. We can put our trust in God to get us through it, to be with us no matter what, to teach us patience, love, and dependence on Him. Those without a faith background or foundation (you have no idea what you’re missing!) can also build in these times. We can learn patience and build stamina in times of trials. 


Be assured the trials and difficulties – the chaos – will come. No matter what material things you have or don’t have, no matter if you have a support system or not, or believe in God or not, they will come. It is part of this world. We humans cause most of it ourselves. We sure know how to make a mess of things. But whether we cause them or not, they will come. Sorrow will come, pain will come. But guess what? We can draw on the amazing human ability to survive. To thrive in difficulties. To shine in grief. To grow and love in hardship. We are amazing. Search your inner self and look for the warrior. You may be surprised at who you really are when you learn to utilize the lion inside.


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