You know what the title means, right? Who is in control of your life? You? Your spouse, a child, a friend – a pet…God? (Take a moment and really think about that, if you want.) When I took the picture of the dog in the truck, I was laughing. The dog looked so funny being so serious in the driver’s seat. It was probably looking at its human and wishing it would come back. In the meantime, there I was watching and laughing. (I wonder if the owner was a bit peeved to find the dog in his spot when he returned, lol.)
I like to go through my pictures and see stories. The driver-dog still makes me laugh, but it also makes me think, hmmm, I could use this for who’s the driver of our lives. Is there someone who tries to control us and everything we do? Do we want someone else to make all the decisions? Or do we prefer a partnership, where we both get to give input on decisions we make, individual or group decisions, for support as well as for help to make the best decisions.
When we have a partnership – be that a marriage, family, business, or friendship – we must remember it’s not all about “me”. It’s about “us,” the greater good, the partnership. So, in my mind, even though we are masters of our own lives, we should take turns being the driver. Sometimes one person might need to be allowed to take the wheel because sometimes it’s hard to agree on a move/change. Then another time, the other partner maybe ought to take the lead because they may know the best way to handle a situation or direction. Either way, two heads are better than one, especially when important decisions need to be made. One of the cool things about God is He (or "Mother Nature", if you prefer) made us different, so we see things differently. Different perspectives can make a huge difference in how we proceed. We have an anniversary gift pillow that says, “Better together.” It is perfect. And true. Don’t fight. Work together. Don’t force, or rule, or try to control; when you do, you not only erode the partnership but the other person’s ability to be who they were meant to be as well. Relax. Learn to appreciate each other and thus learn to trust each other. Find a way to sort out your issues or possibilities – together. You see, it is never about who is in charge – it’s about being “better together.”
