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Colleen Briske Ferguson

A Singing Turkey?

A turkey that sings “Feliz Navidad”? Don’t we just get our holidays all jumbled together? Especially the stores? Winter clothes on the shelves before summer is over. Christmas decorations before Halloween is over…to name only two. Well, let’s have a little fun with Thanksgiving. What? Sacrilege! Thanksgiving is about being thankful for our blessings! We must be serious; we can’t have fun with it! If you know me, I can have fun with most everything. Besides, isn’t the thanksgiving dinner also about having fun? Gathering with people we love to share time and a meal. Shouldn’t we laugh and share stories? Isn’t that showing our gratitude for the people in our lives?


What are you most grateful for? Does it matter what we are grateful for? Is it the love of friends and family, our health or houses or trips we take, or clothes on our backs and meals on our tables, or all the sundry of things we own that we are grateful for? Or is it our very lives? Is it what peace and joy we have? Or is it all of it? All the wonderful things and people we have been blessed with. And being grateful for what we have makes joy grow in our hearts, which causes thankfulness to grow and burst into more joy, and before we know it, gratefulness becomes a part of our lives and joy is more easily grasped no matter what trials we are facing. And, a thankful heart wants to go outward, to share, to help, to bloom, which gives others joy as well.


Whatever it is you are grateful for, grab hold of it and your thankfulness for it, and start the process of being a happier person. Because counting our blessings truly does make us happier people.

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