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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Agreeably Spent Time

Elaborating on last week’s blog, I was thinking about one of my favorite memories of surgeries (what? there are favorite memories of surgeries???) which happened during one of my waiting times for my husband’s surgeries to be over. As I was waiting, one of my friends stopped by with coffee and donuts. As it was completely unexpected, I was very touched by her actions. She wasn’t a super close friend, but I knew her as a special, joyful person. (She probably would have gotten along well with the soothing-voiced lady in waiting room of the day I shared last week.) My friend only stayed for a short chat, but that simple gesture was such a blessing it stayed with me for every surgery to come.


For my husband’s longest, more complicated operation, my mother and one of my sons came to sit with me, and I really appreciated their presence. The waiting was somewhat less stressful because someone I loved was with me and talking to me while the surgery, again, took much longer than it was supposed to. They helped keep my attention off knowing the surgery was taking so long. Another blessing during surgery trials.


We all have stories to tell of the things we have gone through, and whatever we are experiencing may not be what others are experiencing, even when it seems like we are going through the same trial. The person sitting next to us could well be struggling on a different level than us based on their past experiences. Let’s be kind. Maybe start up a conversation to pass the time. I have gotten to know some great “one-time” people that way. And, as I am an introvert, it can be done! Although, as an introvert, I have missed a whole lot of great “one-time” people as I was too shy or nervous to speak to them. Give it a try – you might just ease your own heart without knowing it needed easing. Like my friend with the coffee and donuts, let’s take the time whenever possible to sit with someone who is waiting on life to turn and come out better. Chances are it will be agreeably spent time that is truly a blessing for both parties.

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