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Colleen Briske Ferguson

April Fool's Penance

Does anyone still do the April Fool’s Day jokes? I remember it being kind of a big thing when I was growing up. It was the one day of the year that you could out and out lie to somebody and get away with it – it was actually legal in the moral scheme of things…because you told them the truth shortly after. Well, I did. Maybe some of you dragged out your fun until the end of the day. I also tried not to be too horrible and not say things like such and such died yesterday. Or if I did, I immediately said “April fools!” so no one was upset for longer than that brief second or two. I’m either out of the loop or people don’t bother to think things up to torture other people with anymore (of course, it could be a child kind of thing, and I didn’t have any kids around me yesterday [April 1st].)

Then this year, like many years, there was a snow free-for-all going on. We Michiganders can laugh and say it’s third or fourth winter, depending on how many proper thaws – down to the grass – we’ve had. Or we can laugh and say, “April Fools! It’s not really winter; it’s just pretending!” I love pretending…especially that it isn’t still potentially “winter”.

And today, as I type, is Good Friday. (The day Christ went to the cross for you non-religious following folks). April Fool’s Day, Good Friday. Lie as much as you want one day, and then go through a humble penance kind of day the day after. Humans are quirky for sure. I’m glad we have our fun though. As well as our sobering, self-examining moments, which hopefully help us to mature and be better versions of ourselves.

But, if you’re interested in self-discovery or the spiritual side of things, we aren’t meant to wallow in self-pity or misery. We are made to survive, thrive, endure, be happy, love life. Did you know there are over 800 references in the Bible that say we should be joyful or rejoice? Wow. How did that message get lost amongst the dismal parts? If you look closely at the scriptures, you’ll see that Jesus didn’t come for us to be miserable in our sin or shame. He came to free us from our sin and shame, so we could be full of joy! So we can have an abundant life. Not a life free from sorrow and tough times or from making mistakes – we live in a fallen, messed up world and not one of us is perfect – but a journey with Him (and with each other). A journey that is first and foremost joyful and full of peace; despite our circumstances.

Whether you’re a believer or not, I hope you have a joyous life, full of character-building adventures and amazing opportunities. In the meantime, to my believing friends – and non-believing friends – may your Holy Week be full of revelation and, yes, JOY. Many blessings on everyone!

Picture print by Praise Screen Prints, copywrite 1977, artist Ralph Kozak (you can purchase prints, t-shirts, and more by googling or on other sources, including eBay).

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Apr 05, 2021

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