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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Give And Take

Have you ever touched a rose petal? Brushed your finger gently across it? Being careful not to crush it? It’s softer than velvet. Real velvet. Not the fake versions of velour and its kind. The real, truly soft velvet…like a rose petal. Like baby’s skin. Soft and constantly regenerating. Full of impact and promise.


The rose is ready to be plucked by you. The baby is ready to be held by you. Both ready to be touched. Ready for their qualities to be admired and absorbed. The one is there for our nourishment, the other needs us to supply nourishment. And yet, both give and take nourishment from us. Sustenance, joy, contentment, wonder... Pick a rose and delve into the soft experience and let your senses soar. Watch for the thorns though...there are always thorns. It's part of this world. But love will find its way through everything we touch: roses, babies, jobs, relaxing, mountaintops and valleys. Love is passed on or absorbed...give and take. Though it seldom only goes one way...


There is beauty and love in this world. Seek it out. Savor it. Live it. Give and take.

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