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Colleen Briske Ferguson

I Can’t Heeear You…

My husband and I laugh often at how we hear each other incorrectly. I think it’s a combination of his bad hearing (even with hearing aids) and the fact that I have a voice that tends to blend with everything and everyone else’s. Many is the time that I cracked a really good joke, and one person laughs and repeats it. Invariably, the crowd hears it from them and thinks the “stealer of the joke” was the funny guy. At least, I get my jokes heard, lol.


But back to the point – my husband wears hearing aids and they make him think he’s talking too loudly, so he tends to talk fairly quietly, and, as I said, my voice often blends in, so we have some good laughs. For instance, I once heard him say, “I need some ice water.” As he never puts ice in his water, I laugh and ask him to repeat what he said. I hear, “I need a fly swatter.” Big difference. The fly swatter certainly wouldn’t quench his thirst and you can’t drink from a fly swatter – as if we would. Ick.


Then there’s “lettuce on the plate” which was: they will “let us on the plane.” Picture it, he said lettuce on the plate while we were waiting to board a plane. Another time I heard, “I think boys like you” (ok, this is my husband talking to me, lol, it was a startling comment); translation being something about Buzz Lightyear (yes, the grandsons were in the house and playing with Buzz).


One time my husband, who wasn’t ever a smoker, said to me “Somebody stole my ashtray.” I’m like, “What?” He had actually said something about an ice cream bowl, which made a whole lot more sense, knowing him. Not sure how that came about, but what the hey, it made for a good chuckle.


I had bronchitis and was googling when to go to the doctor and what were the best ways to get better quicker. Dave heard me say: “You’re not supposed to touch the sides” (sides??? sides of what??? my lungs???), which was: You are not supposed to exercise.”


These are just a few examples. We try to keep our sense of humor over this issue because otherwise we would likely start getting upset with each other. It is sometimes frustration and a bit difficult to communicate when you can’t understand what the other person is saying especially when it happens quite frequently. So, while there are those frustrating moments, we really do try to make it fun. What’s the point of getting mad when “it swat tis” (translated: it is what it is.) Smile. Don’t let the little things get to you, because there will be enough big things that are worth being upset over.

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