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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Keeping Up With It All

Do you ever feel you just can’t take it anymore? Not one more shovel of snow, or someone asking you to do something, or one more bad day in a line of dozens, or missing the person who died and left you to pick up the pieces – or whatever it is you are going through? We all have these times. You are not alone. Even those with seemingly good lives have their moments of defeat and hitting their limits.


Physical, emotional, or mind-blowing trials will try and get the best of us. Don’t let them win. Maybe we learn to live differently, take it slower, expect less, pump ourselves up with positive thoughts, treats, or time with friends. Just don’t give up. On the other side of that trial is victory. With victory comes assurance, relief, maturity, comfort, and joy. The trick is to learn to live in the trial with the results of the victory. Retrain your brain to have assurance, peace, growth, joy, and comfort despite the trial. See hard times as opportunities to grow and mature. It can be hard, but it can be done. Hold on to what comfort and people and abilities you have and let them grow you through. The light on the other side of a tunnel is bright and glorious. Keep going. You’ve got this.


Yes, the snow was so deep that year that I had to push the top of the banks back, so I had room to throw some more on. Sometimes, you just have to push the problem back a little in order to keep dealing with it. Rise above it.

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Jun 21

Needed this reminder today, still feeling like a bull in a China shop. And everyday doing simple ordinary tasks gets more and more difficult. YEAH I am 90 but I don't think that is an excuse or reason. :(😕😕

Anyway, wow if this photo isn't proof of climate change!!!!!

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