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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Natural Revelation

I’m sitting on the porch, enjoying my Fuchsia and Dipladenia plants – and hoping a hummingbird might come along – and I delight in how artfully and gracefully the plants are draping over their pots and cascading lovely flowers from their viny branches. Naturally, this puts me in the poetic mood.

Natural Revelation

Flowers emerge

From draping foliage

Sun soaked

Rain nourished


Tall and unbending

Oak and Ash

Fully clothed

In dancing leaves


Color splashes across vistas

Always westward

Ever moving, warmth and light

Dispersing earthly splendor


Creation in movement

Crawling the earth

Pondering, breathing, speaking

Teeming, flowing!


Open ears and eyes,

nature’s gifts

Muted or brilliant

Thriving or dying


In all: Natural Revelation.

Until next week, remember to "smell the roses" as you go about your days…

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