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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Necessary Inspectors

Is this about termites? Or buildings being built and waiting on the Building Inspector to make sure you did everything correctly before you can move on to the next step or building? Or is this about an inspector from the police trying to solve a mystery? Or do you have toddlers who need their mouths inspected because they clearly have something in them they shouldn’t? Or are teenagers living under your roof who need their bedroom inspected – or their lifestyle? Does your freezer need inspecting for food that is ancient and inedible? Is there an editor looking over your shoulder, making sure you didn’t miss one of those little words our brain sometimes doesn’t see is missing?


Sometimes we can do our own inspecting (toddlers and freezers), but sometimes it takes another pair eyes to see what we don’t see. We really do need our inspectors, editors, and helpers. Our safety inspectors, mom/dad inspectors, boss inspectors, even the odd office/home/volunteer helper has support to offer. You see, we are all human, so we all are going to miss something somewhere along the way, so it is good to have that other pair of detailed eyes; eyes that are trained or used to seeing certain things and can spot things that could be a hazard later on. It takes a team sometimes to be able to create the best end result in anything.


When you have someone hovering over you or your project ready to give you the “okay” or the “nope, try again,” do you get upset? Well, try to remember that we all have our areas of expertise and even when whatever is being inspected is our own area of expertise, others’ perspectives can certainly be helpful. It’s always best to be a part of a team. To be helpful and not reactionary. To be ready to hear what others have to say, and do what needs doing to make life the best for all concerned. You could save time and money from a potential error, or save someone from hurt feelings, or who knows, maybe even a life.


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