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Colleen Briske Ferguson

(Pee) Wee Troublemakers

[After the last two serious, heavy blogs - not counting the 4th of July blog - here's something quite a bit lighter that is apt to bring a smile to your face.]

Puppies. OMG, don’t you just love them? The puppy smell, the soft fur, the little whimpers, their sweet vulnerability… Most of us love to snuggle them…and then give them back to their owners. One of my daughter-in-loves (who has owned a couple of them, and they were pretty much her best friends once they grew up) once said, “Puppies start like a tumor, that later ends up being benign.” They are a lot of work and trouble. Barking all night, peeing and pooping all over the place, chewing on things, including our fingers with their sharp little teeth, getting into spaces they should not be able to get into, and generally causing havoc. But, boy, are they cute and cuddly.


How about kittens? So funny to watch them when they play, jumping straight in the air, batting, rolling over… Then they grow up. (Enough said for some of you, lol.) They are superior beings, don’t you know? Far above the human race, possibly even above God. At least, they think they are. Lording it over the rest of us, walking around on kitchen counters, fireplace mantles, or anything else they can get to, like kings and queens surveying their kingdom. Ready to defend their country and pounce on anyone or anything they don’t like…Or they may just give them the evil eye, assuming they are not worth the effort of an attack. And don’t piss them off; you will regret it and so will your hands or face or arms – or whatever happens to be near their claws or teeth.


How about baby goats? So cute, so hilarious when they are jumping around, playing with each other. They aren’t quite as cuddly, but so cute. Until they butt you and knock you down or eat your clothes – or you. I suspect they are noisy at times as well, as are many other livestock, but not having raised any myself, I’ll let you google the farm animals.


So, how many of you are contemplating getting a puppy or kitten right now? (I’m being realistic as most of us can’t have goats.) Think it through! They are the best companions, but make sure you are ready for the labor and patience it takes to get them to the point where they are “pretty much (our) best friends.”


Don’t forget that there are lots of animal shelters or rescues that have adult animals needing a forever home. If you don’t want a baby animal, consider adopting an adult. Some have issues, but they can be easier to deal with and can still make that "best friend" bond with you.

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