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Colleen Briske Ferguson

Sidling Up!

I recently watched a video of a one-year-old trying to sit in a toddler’s chair. Instead of lowering herself as we all do by getting our legs up to it and just sitting down, she went a couple feet in front of it, bent forward and “walked” on her hands and feet backward, looking through her legs to navigate. It took her several extra, somewhat faltering “steps” to get to it, almost stepped on it once, and when she got close enough, she plopped down on it. Her body language was awesome then. She leaned back straight away, completely relaxed with a sense of accomplishment and a “that wasn’t so bad” lean and turned her head to the TV. Ready for some well-deserved chill time.


My initial response was to chuckle as she was so cute trying to figure out how to do what she wanted to do. But I also thought, “there’s more than one way to do something.” Which is often the case, and it’s okay to be unique in the way we do things – even if it makes the journey a little more difficult. It certainly looked like it might have been fun to try sitting down in that manner. Good for the muscles, too. A new way to exercise!


Which gets me to my last point and what that wee toddler was up against. She was learning to do something. One step at a time. We are always learning. In fact, it’s good for us! For our brains and reactions and mental health – it makes us happy. When you come up against something new, don’t be afraid. Just remember all the other things you have learned over the years that took a while to learn to do with speed and accuracy. Look at it as fun, as a challenge, and don’t be daunted by it. Learning new things makes us better, more capable, reliable, full. Jump in headlong or sidle up to it!


[DEFINITION BREAK: Sidle – to walk in a furtive, unobtrusive, or timid manner, especially sideways or obliquely.] However, you decide to try something new, just do it! You will figure out how and what the best way for you is. Ask for advice if you need it and be sure to have fun!

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