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Colleen Briske Ferguson


Picture it: I am washing some china, getting it ready to switch out with Christmas decorations, and we get a notice from Alexa that there is a winter weather warning out for our area until the following morning. A couple hours later, on one of the trips across the house switching items out, I realize that the sun is out and there are large patches of blue skies. So I think to myself, “This is what a winter weather alert/storm looks like?? I’ll take it!”

Walking back to the sink to continue my task, I hear my husband come in from outside and he’s saying something about “blue skies” and starts humming. Anyone from my generation has to have thought: Willie Nelson! Blue Skies (smiling at me)! It’s a lovely tune. Now, the hubby has a great voice and can sing in tune, but I’m not entirely sure if he is humming that particular song or not, and he doesn’t sing it long enough for me to sort it out. However, even though I couldn’t tell what he was humming, just hearing the two words “blue skies” was enough. Several times, I find myself starting to sing it. So, I say to my husband, “You really got it stuck.” He says, with a slightly evil gleam in his eyes and a big smile, “It could be worse; but I won’t sing the song that I was just thinking in my mind.”

I agreed with him that it could be worse and thanked him for not singing a “worse” stuck-in-your-head tune, since I like Blue Skies. But I realize that as he’s saying, “it could be worse”, and I’m responding with my agreement, I literally feel my brain searching the files of potentially worse stuck-in-your-head songs. I can visualize solid, hard plastic files that look like the old floppy discs only larger that my brain is clicking through (complete with hands doing the flipping) one after another to find a really bad one. I immediately tell my brain, “Stop already!” But it’s too late. That “lovely” stuck-in-your-head tune “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,” is stuck in my head. (Yes, I know you are all thinking, “it could be worse”. [All of you Young Frankenstein fans are thinking about rain right])

While rolling my eyes and laughing, I suddenly realize this is something I could blog on, so I start scribbling notes all the while trying not to burst out singing “If you’re happy and you know it.” And as I’m scribbling these notes regarding thoughts on worse stuck-in-your-head songs, “The Wheels on The Bus Go Round and Round” takes over from “clap your hands”. Oh, noooo!!! Definitely a worse stuck-in-your-head song!


Shut off the music search, brain!!! Ahhhhhhh…!!!!

Okay, so the wretched weather did come – and I still have a certain lovely tune in my head (Blue Skies) and a smile to go with it. Until a few days later when a certain Nana starts singing, “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,” and the rest of the family in the room joins in...

NOOO!!!! Brain, don’t do it again!!!

I better turn some music on.

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