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Colleen Briske Ferguson

The Crux of it All

I am sitting in a hospital parking lot, waiting for my husband to return from a doctor appointment, so we can run some errands. I’m typing away on a future blog, and I glance up to see a man walk in front of our van with a blue plastic hospital bag and a vase of flowers. Clearly, he was picking someone up who was going home. Was it a happy time? Was the person on the mend – or was it just another hospital stay in a long line of hospital stays? It was hard to say by his face, although it appeared more sad than happy. I glance down and type some notes for this “Crux” blog I feel coming on.


After a bit, another younger man with a young child walks by going toward the hospital and carrying a bag of fast food. Clearly, someone was NOT coming home that night. Maybe, just maybe it was the mother/wife and she was in the maternity ward with a newborn waiting to go home for the first time, to celebrate their life in the warmth of a loving family… Maybe. The thing about hospitals is a very small amount of people staying are in the maternity ward. Granted, most people in a hospital are on the mend and going home to happily continue on with their lives.


I finish my wait in the van by completing the blog I had been writing and running out of time to write this one. Truly, I am seldom sure when I write notes where I had intended to go with them – inspiration is best when it is fresh and running wild. But I will go here for today: the crux of it is we all will have doctor visits, hospital stays, memorial services, trials of one kind or another – or many – there are sad bits to life. The best we can do is keep going forward. Sometimes, it may not feel like we are getting anywhere, but those are often the times when we are growing or learning the most. Strive to stay above it all, the sadness, the stress, the hardships, and look for the silver linings, the rainbows, and joy-filled moments. Our focus is key. Remember to laugh no matter what. Joy transforms our sorrow and pain to something good and necessary. Rejoice always. Again, I say, rejoice.


Tag: During this holiday season, remember people who are suffering and if it is your power to do so, help them, pray for them, support them. And especially, be gentle with them. They are momentarily broken. Treat them like china, but at the same time with the respect a lion would be given.

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