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Colleen Briske Ferguson

The Word for the Day: Innerversible

Innerversible – that’s like, you know, inside out and reversible, right? No? Yes, you are correct; innerversible is not an actual word. It is a warped blend of interchangeable and reversible. Is there something out there that fits that description? There must be, as it was used once upon a time. (I think it had to do with an interchangeable screw gun with bits that were two-sided...I think.)

How many of you have worked in a place that did a Word for the Day? My husband, who worked for a construction company for a number of years, did, and some of the jobs were either a whole lot of work, or mundane, repetitive…boring. So, one of the things they did to pass the time was to come up with a word for the day. For instance, one day they decided to make “succulent” the word for the day. There were a number of trials that day, so the shoveling was succulent, the tools that decided not to work were succulent, all the mishaps were succulent; it was a “succ-ulent kind of a day”. In other words, the day sucked – ALL day.

Then there’s always this one guy, right? One of my husband’s co-worker’s was “that” guy. He had a tendency to make up words. I’m not so sure it was on purpose – I rather suspect it was not and that made it even funnier as he didn’t take offense when they laughed about it. He was the one who came up with innerversible. This twisting of words, as a writer, tickled my sense of humor. Thus, it became a bit of a fun challenge for my husband and I to make up words for a while. I even went so far as to purposely create a character in one of my children’ s stories that also made up words, like fantabulous – fantastic and fabulous mixed together. It was a lot of fun to create the words as well as the character, which is still one of my favorites.

I’ll likely play with one of these made-up words now and then in my blogs just for the fun of it...we’ll see. I might even get really creative and do a little poetry or rhyme with them. Though I do find rhyming a pain most of the time. How can you be artsy and have to come up with words that rhyme? It’s natural for some…indigenous (remember that word for later), but for me it tries to hinder the growth of creativity. I prefer a free flow style of writing; lets the juices flow without the pause of trying to figure out what word will fit. I did once write a poem that was rather funny (I can’t find it at the moment, but if I do, I’ll post it later), and the rhyming was easy and perfect. And there was another one that came easily that was creepy. That’s the extent of my rhyming history – other than the times I stressed over trying to make it work. Maybe it’s the timing for me. I have a friend who does a daily poem in which she rhymes; I’m truly amazed at her ability to do so. Every day, creating a rhyme; I wonder if she speaks Dr. Seuss language, too, like me when the grandkids are around! [TANGENT ALERT ON RHYMING!!!!]

Anyway, the point is a word for the day to keep our hearts light. Try it out sometime, just for fun. And if you want to make a word up – feel free; it’s even more fun. Creativity is food for the soul. So is laughter. And now, a poem with rhymes, just to prove that it can be done…though perhaps poorly:


The feeling most indigenous to our hearts is love.

Yet whenever I don’t get my way, it takes flight like a dove.

Oh, is anything more fickle than the love in the heart?

In trials and sorrows, within and without, I am struck most indelibly as with a dart.

Indigenous is quite natural and can support us with ease,

If only it is given room to grow in the heart, just as a forest full of trees.

Settle in your mind that you will let your most natural feeling win out every day,

So you can be the best “you” that you can be in every way.

Then you will be an incalculable, tremendous force.

Indigenously speaking, of course.

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