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Welcome to Life Expanded

Deep thoughts and humorous moments

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Bah Humbug or It’s All About the Lights

What’s “all about the lights”? If you asked my husband, he would say, “Don’t follow the lights.” A direct quote from Gollum – or Tolkien,...

Enquiring Minds – or By Guess or By Golly

My six-month-old grandson is jumping in his Johnny Jump-Up next to me as I type. I look up and smile and talk to him now and then to let...

Goodbye Again…

The main reason for flying for me has been to visit family. While I am proud of my children going out into the world and making a place...

Up, Up and Away!

“To ride on the wings of air…” [A King for the Castle – by Colleen Ferguson] Is there a Superhero on the loose or just an adventurous...

Thanksgiving: Food Zombies

When I think of childhood Thanksgivings, there are two memories that tend to jump up at me. The first one was a play one of us wrote – or...

Living in Magical Places

A number of my growing up years were lived in a house and surrounding yard that showed me the magic of lives that had been and so could...

Nobody Knows Nothing

If someone asks you if you know what something is (i.e. a strange noise or music coming from outside) and you have no idea what it is,...

The Tree That Cannot be Broken

What kind of tree cannot be broken, chopped, sawed, burned or destroyed by anything mankind tries to throw at it? It’s a tree that people...

Rainbows On Kittens

Rainbows on kittens and bright knitted mittens…what? Do you ever mix up your lyrics? You start humming a song and break out in verse, but...

An Amaryllis Impact

During the years my husband and I raised our children, we joined the community band for a few years. It was our time to be people instead...

October Leaves – Facelifts of One Kind or Another

One of my daughters, after she moved out of Michigan, said the one thing she missed most was autumn and the beauty of the turning of the...

The Masterpiece of Validation

Do you remember the first drawing you did that put a thrill in your heart? Or maybe it was the first story you remember writing (mine was...

Patio Nourishment

I'm sitting on our patio with my computer on my lap for the umpteenth time this summer, feeling grateful that I have such a wonderful...

Butterflies are Free (Free to be me!)

Butterflies. I promise, this is not another insect blog, even though I think most of us love butterflies. I kept seeing them flitting...

Healthy Layers of Pain – Part I

When you’re around someone who quite recently lost a loved one, do you feel uncomfortable or find it hard to know what to say or do? Some...

Partly Cloudy or Mostly Sunny?

Let’s have a little fun today with the weather. If you’re a Michigander, you know how fun the weather can be. Not only can it change as...

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Colleen Ferguson

Manistee, MI 49660

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