Autumn Waves
They fly their colors brightly Reds, yellows, mingling evergreens. Brilliant are the colors that fall… Winds weave branches Entwining...
Deep thoughts and humorous moments
They fly their colors brightly Reds, yellows, mingling evergreens. Brilliant are the colors that fall… Winds weave branches Entwining...
I recently watched a video of a one-year-old trying to sit in a toddler’s chair. Instead of lowering herself as we all do by getting our...
(Following up on last week’s Surrounded By Chaos blog.) What is chaos? Is it noise, commotion, confusion, disorder, turmoil, or out and...
Chaos! Superheroes and villains, revving car motors, the clink of swords (um, okay, plastic thunks), mayhem and shouts, laughter and...
Is this about termites? Or buildings being built and waiting on the Building Inspector to make sure you did everything correctly before...
Have you ever touched a rose petal? Brushed your finger gently across it? Being careful not to crush it? It’s softer than velvet. Real...
I must admit, it's sometimes hard to ignore that ridiculous Murphy’s Law, especially when it comes to technology. I cannot tell you how...
Ever hear of Murphy’s Law? Is it real? It is with vacuum cleaners. You are going along at a good speed with your vacuum cleaner. Maybe it...
The young generations are interesting. BFF, TYVM, LOL, ILY, new styles, old styles, fearless, selfish, kind, sassy, YOUNG. All good...
Debilitating waves wash over me Higher and higher Can I withstand them? Like torrential rains they threaten to drown me taking me...
You know you’re getting old when… you get down on the floor to find something you dropped and you find yourself saying, “Oh, my Lord, who...
Did you ever buy a shower curtain liner on sale thinking you got a fantastic deal, then got it home and out of the package to find it was...
I sit at the window and watch… the freshness of life stirs my heart… alive and exciting… new and growing… I sit at the window and watch…...
[After the last two serious, heavy blogs - not counting the 4th of July blog - here's something quite a bit lighter that is apt to bring...
The legal separation of our original colonies occurred on July 2, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was edited, deliberated over, and...
I’ve had plenty of trials in my life, heartaches, lack of worldly advantages, etc., so I write out of my own experience, in the “meager”...
Do you ever feel you just can’t take it anymore? Not one more shovel of snow, or someone asking you to do something, or one more bad day...
What do you consider invasive creatures? Plants or critters that are taking over in detrimental ways, or aliens, or gossipers, or...
Sometimes seeking purpose in life is about your career, or in your personal life, or making a difference in the world, but I think on...
Were we speaking of history? I don’t remember. But I know we all have history. Some of us would rather not remember some of our history....